transcription from the original
Twenty miles from Alfred. Terminus of Lane’s stage-line from Portland, and on Stanley’s line from Portland to Cornish. One of the five towns denominated The Ossipee Towns, in west part of York county; Limington, Limerick, Cornish, Parsonsfield, and Newfield. Comprising the tract of land conveyed by Capt. Sunday, an Indian sagamore, to Francis Small, Nov. 28, 1768, lying between Great Ossipee river, Little Ossipee, and Saco rivers. Incorporated Feb. 8, 1792. Limington Academy incorporated Aug. 8, 1848, W. G. Lord, principal.
1850, 2116;
1860, 2004;
1870, 1630.
1860-Polls, 433; Estates, $468,228;
1870-Polls, 420; Estates, $567,808.
Postmasters-I. S. Mitchell; North, H. H. Bragdon; East, H. Small; South, J. McArthur; Nason’s Mills, John Davis.
Selectmen-F. McKenney, Geo. Bragdon, J. Anderson.
Town Clerk-Geo. Moulton.
Treasurer-John Lord.
School Committee-Israel Boothby, W. G. Lord, S. W. Pearson.
Clergymen-N. Whittemore, Bap.; S. W. Pierson, Cong.; H. Wentworth, F. Bap.
Physicians-John Lord, S. M. Bradbury, All.
Lawyers-Arthur McArthur, Wm. M. McArthur
Justices-A. McArthur, May 9, 1854, State: W. M. McArthur, Feb. 21, 1866; C. S. McArthur, Jan. 24, 1865; Jas. W. Joy, April 4, 1865; I. L. Mitchell, Jan. 24, 1866, Quorum: B. Parker, Aug. 10, 1868, Trial.
Merchants-L. Clark, W. Dimock, G. Moulton, J. Seavey, H. Small, G. Mackey.
Hotels-Royal T. Larrabee, Almon Emery.
Twenty miles N. of Alfred. Terminus of Black’s stage-line from Steep Falls on the P. & O. R. R., also of Boothby’s stage-line from Gorham Station, Portland & Rochester Railroad. One of the five towns denominated “The Ossipee Towns, in west part of York county,” Limington, Limerick, Cornish, Parsonsfield, and Newfield. Comprising the tract of land conveyed by Capt. Sunday, an Indian sagamore, to Francis Small, Nov. 28, 1668, lying between Great Ossipee river, Little Ossipee, and Saco rivers. Incorporated Feb. 9, 1792. Limington Academy incorporated Aug. 8, 1848.
1850, 2116;
1860, 2004;
1870, 1630;
1880, 1431.
1860-Polls, 436; Estates, $468,228;
1870-Polls, 420; Estates, $567,808;
1880–Polls, 414; Estates, $408,573.
Postmasters-John T. Lord; North, Samuel Small; East, George M. Small; South, Frank A. Hobson; Nason’s Mills, Alfred H. Watson. Selectmen-James M. Hopkinson, Horace P. Emmons, William F. McKenney.
Town Clerk-South, Frank A. Hobson.
Treasurer and Collector-James F. Brackett.
Constable-North, Fred E. McKenney.
School Supervisor—E. T. Pitts.
Clergymen-E. T. Pitts, Cong.; South, H. Wentworth, Joseph Storer, Old School F. Bap.; B. S. Moody, Trueman Maxim, F. Bap.; East, vacant, Bap.
Physicians-S. M. Bradbury, John F. Moulton, All.
Lawyer-Wm. M. McArthur.
Justices-W. M. McArthur, July 13, 1880; James F. Brackett, March 1880; E. T. Boody, Feb. 24, 1875; L. J. Strout, March 30, 1882; John T. Lord, July 15, 1876; Frank A. Hobson, Dec. 30, 1880, Quorum: W. G. Lord, Aug. 23, 1877; James W. Joy, March 14, 1879, Trial: James W. Joy, Dedimus.
Merchants-W. Dimock & Son, Samuel T. Bickford; North, John Seavey; East, Geo. F. Mackie, A. S. Chick & Bro.; South, Walker & Hobson, general stores.
Manufacturers-Ezra D. Miles, tailor; H. P. Waldron, carriage and sign painting; O. P. Allen, leather: Benj. E. Cousens, Abram Cousens, sleighs and pungs; John T. Lord, E. I. Larrabee, harnesses; Mial J. Cutler, carriage repairing, &c.; David B. Cousins, Ivory Wentworth, Emery Wentworth, smiths; Wm. Dimock & Son, S. T. Bickford, ready-made clothing; North, C. & E. Meserve, sleighs, pungs and repairing; Jas. Nason, smith; John A. Hubbard, millwright; Silas Hubbard carriage repairing and shingles; Edmund Black, grist-mill; Charles Abbott, mason and plasterer; South, Henry Wentworth, smith; David Durgin, Dennis Johnson, stone cutters; Loring S. Edgcomb, butcher; Orin Deshon, boots and shoes; Nason’s Mills, A. H. Watson, smith; A. H. Watson, Stephen Estes, staves and lumber; East, Chase Bros., Webster Bros., staves and lumber; Charles E. Chick, stone cutter; L. S. Mayor, staves, heading and shook; Bradbury Higgins, boots and shoes; Steep Falls P. O., Andrew J. Sanborn & Co., Stephen W. Wood, boxes, cooperage, etc. Auctioneer-North, A. J. Ĥurd.
Barbers-Daniel Christy; South, Almon Blake
Limington Academy-W. G. Lord, principal; L. J. Strout, sec’y.
Associations-Masons-Adoniram, Tues. on or before full moon.
Twenty miles N. of Alfred. On stage-lines from Steep Falls on White Mt. Div. M. C. R. R. and Hollis Center station on P. & R. R. R. One of the five towns denominated “The Ossipee Towns, in west part of York county,” Limington. Limerick, Cornish, Parsonsfield, and Newfield. Comprising the tract of land conveyed by Capt. Sunday, an Indian sagamore, to Fraucis Small, Nov. 28, 1668, lying between Great Ossipee river, Little Ossipee, and Saco rivers.
Incorporated Feb. 9, 1792.
Limington Academy incorporated Aug. 8, 1848.
1850, 2116;
1860, 2004;
1870, 1630;
1880, 1431.
1860-Polls, 436; Estates, $468.228;
1870-Polls, 420; Estates, $567,808;
1880-Poils, 414; Estates, $408,573.
Postmasters-Chas. E. Dimmock: North, Leonard Abbott; East, Aug. S. Chick; South, Mrs. E. J. Wentworth.
Selectmen-South, F. A. Hobson, Benj. Small; Center,Benj. E. Cousens. Town Clerk-Frank M. Bradbury.
Treasurer-L. P. Thompson.
Constable and Collector-Steep Falls P. O., Frank P. Stone.
School Supervisor-Geo. W. Weeks
Board of Health-J. F. Moulton, Geo. W. Weeks, W. S. Small.
Clergymen-C. H. Gates, Cong.; South, II. Wentworth, Joseph Storer, B. S. Moody, vacant, F. Bap.; East, vacant, Bap.
Physicians-John F. Moulton, Geo. W. Weeks, All.
Lawyer-Wm. M. McArthur.
Justices-W. M. McArthur, July 13, 1880; James F. Brackett, March 1880; L. J. Strout, March 30, 1882; Frank A. Hobson, Sept. 26, 1887; Chas. E. Dimmock, Aug. 27, 1885; F. M. Bradbury, Sept. 1, 1886, Quorum : Jas. W. Joy, Mar. 16, 1886; Wm. G. Lord, Dec. 2, 1884, Trial: James W. Joy, Dedimus.
Merchants-Chas. E. Dimmock, H. P. Emmons; North, John Seavey, Charles E. Emery;East, A. S. Chick & Bro.; South, Walker & Hobson, general stores.
Manufacturers-Ezra D. Miles, tailor; H. P. Waldron, painter: Benj. E. Cousens, Abram Cousens, C. H. Cutler. Frank Chick, sleighs and pungs; E. I. Larrabee, harnesses; Ivory Wentworth, Emery Wentworth, smiths; C. E. Dimmock, W. Tufts, clothing; North, W. H. Danielson, boots and shoes; C. & E. Meserve, sleighs, pungs and repairing; Webster Bros. lumber and staves; James Nason, Samuel Small, smiths; J. A. Hubbard, millwright; S. Hubbard, lumber and shingles; South, H. Wentworth, A. H. Watson, smiths; D. Durgin, stone cutter; L. S. Edgcomb, butcher; Orin Deshon, boots and shoes; A. H. Watson, Stephen Estes, staves and lumber; East, Howard Chase, staves and lumber; Bradbury Higgins, boots and shoes; Steep Falls P. O., Andrew J. Sanborn & Co., Stephen W. Wood, boxes, cooperage, etc.
Auctioneer-North, A. J. Hurd.
Barbers-South, Alimon Blake, David Christie.
Insurance-L. J. Strout.
Limington Academy-W. G. Lord, principal; L. J. Strout, sec’y.
Asso’tus-Masons-Adoniram, Tues.on or before full moon.
Hotels-Elm House, C. H. Moody; North, Chas. E. Emery.
Twenty miles North of Alfred. Being one of the five towns which were denominated “The Ossipee Towns, in west part of York county,” Limington. Limerick, Cornish, Parsonsfield, and Newfield. Comprising the tract of land conveyed by Capt. Sunday, an Indian sagamore, to Francis Small, Nov. 28, 1668, lying between Great Ossipee river, Little Ossipee, and Saco rivers.
Incorporated Feb. 9, 1792. Limington Academy incorporated Aug. 8, 1848.
1850, 2116;
1860, 2004;
1870, 1630;
1880, 1431;
1890, 1092.
1860-Polls, 436, Estates, $468,228;
1870-Polls, 420; Estates, $567,808;
1880-Polls, 414; Estates, $408,573;
1890-Polls, 335; Estates, $367,901.
Stage– Semi-daily stage from Limington, So. Limington and No. Limington to Steep Falls on M. C. R. R., and daily stage from East Limington to Steep Falls, and from Rapids to Center Hollis on P. & R. R. R.
Postmasters-Hardy H. McKenney; North, Leonard Abbott; East, Aug. S. Chick; South, David Walker; Rapids, Mrs. Nellie Bradeen. Selectmen-East, E. L. Chick; South, Wm. F. Durgin, Jesse G. Harmon.
Town Clerk-Frank M. Bradbury.
Treasurer-L. P. Thompson.
Constable and Collector-Cornish P. O., Wm. H. Cole.
School Committee-Chas. E. Emery; North, Appleton Meserve; South, Chas. S. Edgcomb. Supt.-Cornish P. O., John F. McKenney.
Board of Health-John F. Moulton, sec.
Clergymen-C. S. Wilder, Cong.; South, T. F. Maxim, Lemuel A. Jones, F. Bap.; East, vacant, Bap.; Steep Falls P. O., vacant, Adv.; North, supplies, Bap.|
Physician-John F. Moulton.
Lawyer-Wm. M. McArthur.
Notary-Charles E. Dimmock, Nov. 16, 1904.
Justices-Stephen L. Purington, Feb. 23, 1900; F. M. Bradbury, Oct. 30, 1900; Leonard J. Strout, July 6. 1903; Geo. M. Small, Oct. 30, 1900; Quorum; Jas. F. Brackett, Oct. 25 1905, Trial: L. J. Strout, Dedimus. Merchants-Chas. E. Dimmock, Chas. E. Emery (also farming tools), Frank M. Bradbury; East, A. S. Chick & Bro.; South, Walker & Hob son, general stores; T. F. Maxim, grain.
Manufacturers-Benj. E. Cousins, Abram Cousins, sleighs and pungs; C. H. Cutler, carriage repairs; Ivory Wentworth, C. H. Cutler, Edwin Wentworth, J. G. Harmon, smiths; W. S. Small, staves and shingles; North, C. & E. Meserve, sleighs. pungs and repairing; Webster Bros., lumber and staves; Jas. Nason, Samuel Small, smiths; S. Hubbard, lumber and shingles; South, F. A. Ridlon, Alpheus Spiller, stone cutters; Jas. E. Randall, machinist; East, A. Howard Chase, staves and lumber; Bradbury Higgins, boots and shoes; C. N. Chase, smith; Steep Falls P. O., Andrew F. Sanborn & Co., Stephen W. Wood, boxes, cooperage, etc.; Charles H. and John Walper (Cornish P. O.), tannery. Barbers-Hardy H. McKenney, C. E. Emery. Insurance-J. F. Brackett.
Library-Limington, 650 vols., C. S. Wilder, lib.
Limington Academy-C. C. Smith, A.B., prin.; L. J. Strout, sec.
Asso’tns-Masons-Adoniram, Tues. on or before full moon.
Hotel-Limington House, Chas. E. Emery.
Limington 1910
Twenty miles North of Alfred. Being one of the five towns which were denominated “The Ossipee Towns, in west part of York county,” Limington. Limerick, Cornish, Parsonsfield, and Newfield. Comprising the tract of land conveyed by Capt. Sunday, an Indian sagamore, to Francis Small, Nov. 28, 1668, lying between Great Ossipee river, Little Ossipee, and Saco rivers. Incorporated Feb. 9, 1792. Limington Academy incorporated Aug. 8, 1848.
1850, 2116:
1860, 2004;
1870, 1630;
1880, 1431;
1890, 1092;
1900, 1001.
1860-Polls, 436; Estates. $468,228;
1870-Polls, 420; Est., $567,808;
1880 -Polls, 414; Est., $408,573;
1890-Polls, 335; Est., $367,901;
1900-Polls, 265; Est., $319,426;
1904-Polls, 251; Estates, $812,911.
Semi-daily stage from Limington, So. Limington and No. Limington to Steep Falls on M. C. R. R., and daily stage from East Limington to Steep Falls. R. F. D. to Rapids. Postmasters-Hardy H. McKenney; North, Lyman Pitts; East, Aug. S. Chick: South, John F. Ridlon.
Selectmen-South, J. H. Anderson; Charles Small, Wiley F. Richardson.
Town Clerk-Guy Brockett.
Treasurer-North, Lyman S. Pitts.
Collector and Constable-Hardy H. McKenney
Road Commissioners-South, Wm. F. Durgin; Cornish R. F.D., Walter Pease.
School Committee-W. S. Small; East, Charles N. Chase; Cornish R. F. D., E. E. Norton. Supt.-J. Selden Strong.
Board of Health-John F. Plaisted, sec.
Clergymen-J. Selden Strong, Cong.; South, T. F. Maxim, F. Bap. East, vacant, Bap.; vacant, Adv.; North, supplies, Bap. Physicians-John F. Moulton, John F. Plaisted.
Lawyer-Elias Smith.
Notary-Charles E. Dimmock, Oct. 5, 1911.
Justices-Frank L. Strout, Feb. 27, 1914; Hardy H. McKenney, Feb. 24, 1916. Dedimus, L. J. Strout.
Merchants-Chas. E. Dimmock, Chas. E. Emery (also farming tools), general stores; East, A. S. Chick & Bro., Mrs. Frank Black, general stores; South, John F. Ridlon & Son, general stores and grain; John B. Sweat, groceries and crockery, farming tools, lead and oil.
Manufacturers-Edgar Wentworth, Eugene Storer (also carriage repairs), smiths; North, Webster Bros., lumber and staves; James Nason. smith; South, Alpheus Spiller, J. F. Ridlon, stone cutters; East, Chase Bros., staves and lumber; Silas Hubbard, lumber, boxes and shingles; Bradbury Higgins, boots and shoes; C. N. Chase, smith. Steep Falls P. O., Andrew F. Sanborn & Co., Stephen W. Wood, boxes, cooperage, etc.; Charles H. and John Walper (Cornish P. O.), tannery.
Barbers-Hardy H. McKenney, Millard Gammon, James C. Richardson, Simeon Durgin. Insurance-J. F. Brackett.
Library-Limington, 1500 vols., Mrs. Benj. Small, lib.
Limington Academy—W. F. Avery, A.B., prin.; Wm. H. Sawyer,вес.
Asso’tn-Masons–Adoniram, Tues. on or before full moon P. of H., Limington, No. 161, 2d and 4th Sat. I. O. R. M.-Ossipee No. 113. Hotel-Limington House, Chas. E. Emery.